
Geography Leader - Mrs Austin
At Newton Hill Community we provide a high-quality Geography education that supports children in gaining articulate knowledge and understanding of diverse places, people, resources, natural and human environments, together with a deep understanding of the Earth’s key physical and human processes. To fully develop geographical skills at Newton Hill, the teachers and children use a variety of educational resources such as: different styles of maps, atlases, globes and learning technologies such as Google Maps and for Schools.
Geography is a subject that inspires and fascinates each individual in which they are influenced to delve deep into their interests and make their own observations. Geography allows children to discover the many transferable skills that will support them as they develop into adulthood. Geography supports children in understanding the world, its environments and places, and the processes that create and affect them.
At Newton Hill, children are enthusiastic about discovering their local community, the UK and the continents of the world. Geography also extends children’s knowledge and interest in subject areas such as literacy, mathematics, history, science and art as they use their transferable skills to support their deeper understanding of Geography. Children are interested in what areas looked like in the past, how they have developed overtime and how. At Newton Hill, Geography is taught through an enquiry approach as children are influenced to ask questions, collect and analyse data and to draw conclusions on their findings.
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